2021 brings the second year of the ASHEEP Pasture Variety Trials, as part of the Meat & Livestock Australian Producer Demonstration Site Program. The Year 2 trial sites are in the ground, thanks to the collaboration with South East Agronomy Services who have been working with ASHEEP to manage the trial sites.
The project team met earlier in the year to review the results from Year 1 and to plan Year 2. The trial sites have been moved to new locations and the varieties in the trial have been changed up, with some carried over from Year 1 plus new additions. We've also included a range of pasture mixes and some of the new varieties that have been developed through the Dryland Pasture Systems project. Pasture cuts for biomass will be taken at 10 and 16 weeks and soil test results will be in soon. We'll also look to run nutritive analysis tests on the better performing varieties.
Neridup - Sandplain
Sown: 13th May 2021
Host: John Wallace
Varieties: 15 with 4 replicates
Illabo Wheat
Planet Barley
Capello Vetch
RM4 vetch
Tetila Ryegrass
Express Grazing Oats
Express Grazing Oats / Tetila Ryegrass mix
SARDI Grazer Lucerne
SARDI Series 7 Lucerne
SARDI Series 10 Lucerne
Casbah Biserulla
Dalkeith Sub Clover
Leafmore Brassica
Franno Serradella
BALL Teara Ballard Mix
Sown: 19th May 2021
Host: Simeon Roberts
Varieties: 15 with 4 replicates
Sparticus Barley
RM4 Vetch
Capello Vetch
Express Oats
RM4 Vetch / Oats mix
Tetila Ryegrass
Cavalier Medic
Snail Medic
SU Tolerant Sultan Medic
Casbah Biserulla
SARDI Grazing Lucerne
Cobra Clover
BALL Thumpa Ballard Mix
BALL Salina Ballard Mix
Grass Patch
Sown: 20th May 2021
Host: David Vandenberghe
Varieties: 15 with 4 replicates
Express Oats
Oats / RM4 Vetch mix
Tillage Radish
Snail Medic
Leafmore Grazing Brassica
Casbah Biserulla
RM4 Vetch
Mawson Subclover
Cobra Subclover
SARDI Grazer Lucerne
Tetila Ryegrass
BALL Thumpa Ballard mix
BALL Salina Ballard mix
Contact ASHEEP if you would like more information on this project. ASHEEP members will be provided with regular updates, visit our membership page if you would like to consider joining. The sites will also be showcased at field days.