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Rabbit virus available & ideal control time almost here


Sarah Brown, ASHEEP & BEEF

Reports are coming in from growers that rabbit numbers are high, with control needed prior to seeding to limit potential damage to crops and pastures.

Good news: Farmers can access the virus to release it on their property and the ideal time to control rabbits prior to seeding is almost upon us.

Most effective method of control

According to Esperance Biosecurity Association, one of the most effective methods of control is to:

  1. Release Calicivirus (aka Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease)

  2. Follow up with poisoning.

Ideal virus release timing prior to seeding in WA: Autumn

Late February to March is generally a good window to release the virus in the Esperance region, according to advice from the Esperance Biosecurity Association. This is because fly activity is high and facilitates spreading disease between rabbits, there is less food around so rabbits are more likely to consume the virus baits (oats or chopped up carrots), and less chance of kittens being present who can develop immunity. Once the virus is active, dead rabbits can be shared with neighbours and moved to other burrows to spread it further.

Follow up poisoning

3-4 weeks after releasing the virus you follow up with poisoning. Check with DPIRD's Pest and Disease Information Service on (08) 9368 3080 to find if you need an approval or permit to poison. 

Which poison to use?

There's a great summary from DPIRD on 1080 vs pindone to help you assess which bait to use and where. Some considerations include that 1080 is the cheapest option and whilst many native animals can tolerate it, domestic stock and pets are susceptible. Pindone is more expensive, can impact some native animals, there is an antidote if pets consume it. These baits need to be laid in accordance with recommendations to best avoid impacting non-target species.

Other follow-up control options include warren fumigation followed by ripping, or shooting / trapping. Visit the DPIRD website for good information on pros, cons and recommendations.

Where do I get hold of Calicivirus / Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease?

Esperance Biosecurity Association has 20 vials of the RHDV-K5 strain available for their members to purchase (member eligibility here). If you're not in that area, approach your local Recognised Biosecurity Group to find out if they have some available, or farmers in WA can go about purchasing it directly from the NSW Department of Primary Industries Virology Laboratory via or (02) 4640 6337. To purchase it directly you will need to complete a 30min free online authorisation training session.

Found a dead rabbit?

If you think it died of disease, bag it up, freeze it & request a sample kit from the Rabbit Scan project. They'll send you a reply paid kit to get it to them and let you know the test results. Find out more:

Other resources, thanks to Esperance Biosecurity Association for sharing:

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PO Box 2445

Esperance WA 6450

Disclaimer: ASHEEP & BEEF INC. does not accept any liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from use or release of this information or any part of it.

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