The 2019 Winter Field Walk was held on Friday 23rd August 2019. The weather put on a show but we had over 33 people brave the cold for the afternoon which started at David Vandenberghe's Scaddan farm looking at the Dryland Pasture Legume System Project’s Variety Trials.
Dr Brad Nutt, DPIRD showed the participants 52 genotypes of Medics, Clovers, Trigonella and Scorpions Tail in 4 replicates. The best performers at the time at the site were PM250 Strand Medic and some of the Helmet Clovers (Crifolium clypeatum), Bladder Clover (T. Spumosum) and Sickle Pod Fenugreek (Trigonella Balansae). The poor performer was Scorpions Tail (Scorpiurus Muricatus).
The field day went on to visit a new 4-stand shearing shed and yards in Grass Patch, take in a paddock of vetch, another planted with ryegrass and self-sown barley and medic, and then moved on to Salmon Gums. There participants had the opportunity to view a planting of Capello Vetch before retiring to the local rec centre to warm up and wind down.
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